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When Is A Dental Crown Necessary?

When a tooth has an injury or is getting damaged, a dental crown is one of the solutions employed. They are also used to support a tooth with a large filling, to cover a dental implant, or to anchor a dental bridge. In some cases, a dental crown is used for cosmetic purposes.

Dental crowns are made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, metal, and composite resin. The type of material used will be based on the location of the tooth, the expected wear and tear, and the patient's aesthetic preferences.

To determine if a dental crown is necessary, your dentist will examine the tooth and take X-rays to assess the damage. If a dental crown is recommended, the tooth will be prepared for the crown and a temporary crown will be placed. A permanent crown will be made and cemented in place at a follow-up visit.

Situations Why You Might Need Dental Crown

You Might Need A Dental Crown For Post Root Canal

A dental crown is a type of dental restoration that encases the entire tooth, restoring it to its original shape, size, and strength. A dental crown is often used to protect a tooth that has been damaged by decay or injury. It can also be used to support a tooth with a large filling, to hold a dental bridge in place, or to cover a tooth that has been discoloured or misshapen.

If you have recently had a root canal, your dentist may recommend that you have a dental crown placed on the tooth. This is because the tooth is more likely to break or become damaged without the crown. The crown will help to protect the tooth and make it stronger.

Dental Crown For Filling Replacement

Dental crowns are necessary when a tooth's filling needs to be replaced. The filling is the part of the tooth that is missing, and the crown is the cap that covers the tooth. The crown protects the filling from being damaged by chewing or biting. It also prevents the tooth from becoming misshapen.

Dental crowns are made from porcelain, ceramic, or composite materials. They are custom-made to fit over the filling. To firmly secure the crown it is cemented into the place it ought to fill up.

Dental crowns are necessary to protect the filling and to keep the tooth from becoming misshapen. If you are in need of a filling replacement, be sure to ask dental crowns and bridges Burwood's expert dentist about getting a dental crown.

Dental Crown Can Improve Appearance

A dental crown can be an effective way to improve the appearance of your smile. If you have a tooth that is misshapen, chipped, or discoloured, a dental crown can help to cover up these imperfections with the help of Blackburn dental professionals. Crowns are made from porcelain or ceramic, and they are customized to match the colour of your natural teeth.

Dental crowns are not just for cosmetic purposes. They can also be used to protect a weak or damaged tooth from further damage. If you have a tooth that is at risk of breaking or cracking, a dental crown can help to strengthen it. Crowns can also be used to support a tooth that has had a root canal.

Restore Worn teeth

There are several factors that can cause excessive wearing of the teeth and ultimately lead to the need for a crown. The first is Bruxism, which is grinding or clenching of the teeth. This can be caused by stress, anxiety, or even sleep disorders. Another factor is acid erosion, which is when acidic foods and beverages wear away the enamel of the teeth. This can also be caused by GERD or acid reflux. Lastly, tooth decay can cause the need for a crown, especially if the decay is left untreated. With the expertise of Burwood east dental care, you can have a successful teeth restoration.


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