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Why You Really Need to Know About Dental Filling?

Dental fillings can be pricey and uncomfortable for some people. Because treating a cavity necessitates drilling the decayed tooth, many people are inquisitive about different cavity treatments.

A cavity is traditionally treated by filling the tooth with a medically safe substance to prevent future deterioration. People have been researching alternative ways to cure cavities as dental technology has advanced.

Most individuals prefer to avoid dental drilling because it can be painful and frightening. There are now other treatments for cavities that may not always require a filling. We'll discuss whether a Tooth Filling Burwood is always required to treat a cavity today.


The answer is, in a nutshell, since a dentist wishes to remove the damaged component (the cavity) and fill it to prevent further damage, dental fillings are used to treat cavities. While there is no way to eliminate a cavity without a filling, there are methods that can practically reverse the deterioration. Read on to learn more about how to reverse deterioration.


When a cavity is in its early stages, fluoride can often stop the decay as well as reverse the severity of the decay. Fluoride agents help to repair tooth enamel and keep it robust and durable.


Dental sealants are used to prevent cavities from growing on teeth. It's a clear plastic coat that performs exactly what it says on the tin: it seals the teeth. They're most commonly used on molars, which require extra protection because they chew and grind food.

When dental sealants are applied to a tooth that is decaying, they stop the decay from progressing and even reverse it. This is most helpful for a rotting tooth when it is still in the early stages of decay.

While Dental Fillings Burwood heal a tooth, they are not always essential. Knowing about alternate cavity treatment options can assist someone who is hesitant to have a dental filling placed.

Contact our office now if you have any questions about dental fillings and whether or not they are essential. Our knowledgeable staff can assist you with any inquiries or problems you may have. We have highly skilled dentists at Burwood Dental Centre who can help you get rid of tooth decay by inserting dental fillings in your teeth. To ensure a healthy smile, our restorative procedures involve detecting dental decay and tooth cavities, analysing their severity, and restoring chipped, cracked, or damaged tooth surfaces. Give us a call right now!


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