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Showing posts from June, 2022

10 Reasons Why Your Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

At Wisdom Teeth Removal Burwood Center, you can avoid these 10 reasons 1.PAIN As the wisdom tooth erupts, pressure pain in the upper and lower jaws can occur as the wisdom tooth presses against the overlaying gum. Swollen and inflamed gums can cause pain in the surrounding area. 2. SOFT TISSUE (RUBBER) INFECTION ON A REPEATED BASIS Food, plaque, and debris can get stuck in a partially erupted wisdom teeth, causing gum swelling, dental decay, and pericoronitis. You can notice a bad taste, bad breath, or pus coming from your gums. 3. SACS WITH FLUID IN THEM (CYSTS) AND TUMOURS An impacted wisdom tooth can develop a cyst, which is a fluid-filled sac. This may grow in size over time, affecting nearby structures such as neighbouring teeth, surrounding jaw bone, and nerves. 4. ULCERS OR CHEEK BITING Wisdom teeth that grow sideways in the upper jaw can cause gum and cheek damage from biting or rubbing, resulting in painful ulcers. 5. TEETH DAMAGE IN THE AREA The pressure from an impacted wi